Rheem Domestic Hot Water Brochure - Terms & Conditions
The following Terms and Conditions must be read in conjunction with the Rheem Domestic Hot Water Brochure February 2025 (brochure reference code: CFMG119 Rheem Domestic Brochure February 2025)
- Warranty: 7 years supply on cylinder, 3 years labour on cylinder, 3 years on sealed system including labour, 1 year supply and labour on all other parts. Applies to single family domestic dwelling only. Conditions apply, for full details and conditions which apply visit www.rheem.com.au/warranty
- Warranty: 5 year supply on cylinder, 3 year labour on cylinder, 2 year supply on sealed system including labour, 1 year supply on all other parts including labour. Applies to a single-family domestic dwelling installation only. Conditions apply, for full details and conditions which apply visit www.rheem.com.au/warranty
- No. of people recommended based on 7 min showers @ 42°C. Appliances using hot water should be counted as one (1) person.
- The specified temperature range is the operational range of the Heat Pump. The electric element activates when the ambient air temperature is outside this range and heating of the water is required.
- Warranty limits regarding water chemistry. Harsh water regions – the Rheem warranty may not apply if the water heater is connected to a water supply which has a Total Dissolved Solids content >2500mg/L; is scaling with a Saturation Index >+0.8, or; is corrosive with a Saturation Index <-1.0.
- Energy savings of up to are based on Australian Government approved TRNSYS simulation modelling using a medium load in Zone 3 and apply when replacing an electric water heater of similar size with a Rheem Heat Pump water heater.
- Government incentives may apply if the installation is eligible. Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) provide a financial incentive to encourage the installation of Solar and Heat Pump water heaters provided under a Federal Government legislated scheme. Visit www.rheem.com.au/rebates for information on Government Incentives (STC’s). Other state incentives. rebates may also apply. Financial benefit arising from the tradeable STCs, VEECs & ESCs or any other type certificates value is subject to change. Please refer to https://www.solar.rheem.com.au/solar-incentives.html for further details. Can only be claimed after installation is completed.
- The impact on an electricity account will depend on the tariff arrangement of the water heater being replaced and where you live. The water heater is recommended for connection to an uninterrupted 24 hour continuous tariff power supply. Depending upon the size of the household and its hot water requirements and if the Electricity Retailer permits, an extended off-peak (overnight and day) or extended time controlled power supply connection of a minimum 16 hours per day may also be suitable. Before purchase consult your energy provider for more information on cost comparisons.
- GWP stands for Global Warming Potential. In the context of refrigerants, GWP measures how much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere over a specific time, usually 100 years. Lower GWP refrigerants are considered more environmentally friendly as they have a reduced impact. Refrigerants - R134a has a GWP of 1430, Low GWP R513a is 629 and Ultra Low GWP is <3.
- Warranty: 7 year cylinder warranty, 3 year labour warranty on the cylinder, 1 year parts and labour warranty on all other components for domestic (non-commercial) installations. Conditions apply, for full details and conditions which apply visit www.rheem.com.au/warranty
- Warranty: 12 year cylinder warranty, 1 year labour warranty on the cylinder, 1 year parts and labour warranty on all other components for domestic (non-commercial) installations. Conditions apply, for full details and conditions which apply visit www.rheem.com.au/warranty Some applications require a tempering valve in accordance with AS/NZS 3500:4
- Warranty: 12 year cylinder warranty, 3 year labour warranty on the cylinder, 1 year parts and labour warranty on all other components for domestic (non-commercial) installations. Conditions apply, for full details and conditions which apply visit www.rheem.com.au/warranty
- MEPS: Minimum Energy Performance Standards are a regulated requirement that electric water heaters sold in Australia must meet. Performance varies by model. Refer to the Specification table for individual model performance.
- Up to 42% lighter than comparable Rheem vitreous enamel water heater models of the same capacity.
- Left hand outlet factory pre-set to supply hot water to a maximum of 50°C in accordance with AS3498.
- Based on 45°C temperature rise
- Warranty: 10 year cylinder, 3 years labour on cylinder, 1 year parts and labour warranty on all other components for domestic (non-commercial) installations. Conditions apply, for full details and conditions which apply visit www.rheem.com.au/warranty
- Warranty: 10 year cylinder warranty, 1 year labour on cylinder, 1 year parts and labour warranty on all other components for domestic (non-commercial) installations. Conditions apply, for full details and conditions which apply visit www.rheem.com.au/warranty
- Some applications require a tempering valve in accordance with AS/NZS 3500:4
- Based on the most common temperature 43°C shower through a 9 litre/minute showerhead mixing with cold water at 10°C. Rheem 4 star 347 Series with thermostat set at 73°C delivers 15-20% more continual shower time than the Rheem 3 Star with thermostat set at 65°C.
- First hour capacity is the storage capacity plus nominal first hour recovery rate at 45°C temperature rise using Natural Gas, based on a cold water temperature of 15°C. Guide only, subject to individual hot water consumption patterns.
- Warranty: 12 year cylinder warranty, 3 years labour on cylinder, 1 year parts and labour warranty on all other components for domestic (non-commercial) installations. Conditions apply, for full details and conditions which apply visit www.rheem.com.au/warranty
- At 25°C temperature rise. Guide only, subject to ambient water temperature and pressure, correct pipe sizing and appliance flow rates.
Note: Rheem EZ Link is only compatible with Rheem Ultra 28L Continuous Flow. - 50°C factory pre-set models supply hot water at a maximum 50°C at all outlets in accordance with AS3498. Some applications may require tempering, refer to AS 3500:4. 60°C models must have a tempering valve installed in accordance with AS 3500:4
- Warranty: 12 years parts and 3 years labour on Heat Exchanger, 3 years parts & labour on other components, when installed in a domestic dwelling. Conditions apply, for full details and conditions which apply visit www.rheem.com.au/warranty
- Warranty: 15 years parts and 3 years labour on Heat Exchanger, 3 years parts & labour on other components, when installed in a domestic dwelling. Conditions apply, for full details and conditions which apply visit www.rheem.com.au/warranty
- Energy and Greenhouse gas emissions savings based on Australian Government Approved TRNSYS simulation modelling of a Rheem Loline Solar Hot Water heater with 2xNPT200 collectors, a Rheem Hiline with 2xNPT200 collectors and a Rheem Premier Hiline with 2xSPA2000 collectors and using a medium load in Zone 3, and apply when replacing an electric water heater. Any savings will vary depending upon type of Rheem Solar system installed, location of the installation, orientation and inclination of the solar collectors, type of water heater being replaced, hot water consumption and fuel tariff. Maximum financial savings off your hot water bill are achievable when replacing an electric water heater on continuous tariff.
- Warranty: Rheem Premier® Loline/Loline/Hiline/Premier Hiline® (52C Model) 5 year supply on cylinder and solar collectors, 3 year labour on cylinder, 1 year labour on collectors, 1 year parts and labour. Applies to a single-family domestic dwelling installation only. Conditions apply, for full details and conditions which apply visit www.rheem.com.au/warranty
- Warranty: Rheem Premier® Hiline (52H Models) 7 year supply on cylinder, 5 year supply on solar collectors, 1 year labour on cylinder, 1 year labour on collectors, 1 year parts including labour. Applies to a single-family domestic dwelling installation only. Conditions apply, for full details and conditions which apply visit www.rheem.com.au/warranty
- The COP is the average value in the AS/NZS5125 performance test at 19°C ambient temperature over the entire heat-up process. Note that the actual COP of the product at any given time will be impacted by several factors, including the ambient and cold-water inlet temperatures at the place of installation and time of day/season of operation.
Updated: 27 February 2025