Rheem’s YF Series Commercial heat pump uses 1234yf refrigerant which has an ultra-low Global Warming Potential (GWP) of <1. Delivering hot water up to 65°C and designed to operate in condenser loop systems with a shell and tube heat exchanger to resist fouling whilst producing a Coefficient of Performance (COP) of up to 7 in condenser loops operating at 35°C. All models are designed to be stacked to save space and available with double wall brazed plate stainless steel heat exchangers or vented copper tube in tube heat exchangers better suited to challenging water chemistries.
Features at a Glance
*Warranty conditions apply
Owners and Installation Guides
The water heater shall be Rheem commercial heat pump model 955032__ with a nominal heating output of 32 kW and cooling output of 10 kW with a combined C.O.P of 7.0 at 20oC in/15oC out condenser water temperature. The water heater shall have a delivery temperature of up to 65°C and be capable of connecting with building return circulation loop. The refrigerant shall be R1234yf with a global warming potential of <1. The water heater shall conform to Australian Standard 3498 and be WaterMark certified. The water heater shall be electrically certified to AS/NZS 60335.1 and .2.40 and carry the Regulatory Compliance Mark for EMC. The water heater shall be manufactured with marine grade aluminium casing. The water heater shall have outputs for connection to a BMS system and have auxiliary boost control function. The water heater shall incorporate tank temperature sensor, building flow temperature sensor as well as the following sensors for hot side water inlet & outlet temperature and chilled side water inlet & outlet temperature and discharge refrigerant temperature, suction and discharge refrigerant pressure transducers, cold water flow switch, pressure differential cut out switch and low temperature safety cut-out. The water heater shall operate with limp mode should the tank sensor become faulty.